Agilent E5061B ENA vector network analyser options
02 May, 2011 byAgilent has introduced two options for its ENA series E5061B 5 Hz to 3 GHz vector network analyser.
Anritsu Sweep Master line sweep
17 April, 2011 bySweep Master, a web-based application designed to save carriers, management companies and contractors time when deploying, installing and maintaining wireless networks is now available. Designed to work with certain Site Master cable and antenna analysers, Spectrum Master handheld spectrum analysers and BTS Master base station analysers, it is a line sweep and documentation tracking tool for large multi-site installation and maintenance projects.
National Instruments PXIe-5630 vector network analyser
23 March, 2011 byThe PXIe-5630 is a 6 GHz, two-port vector network analyser with support for vector measurements of transmission and reflection coefficients, which are also represented as the forward S-parameters S11 and S21.
Agilent X series signal analyser
15 February, 2011 byAgilent has released new options for the X-series of signal analysers designed to deliver wider bandwidth, faster measurement speed and more measurement capabilities.
Rohde & Schwarz ZVH cable and antenna analyser
14 January, 2011 byThe ZVH cable and antenna analyser is rugged and designed for use in the field. Its low weight and simple operation make it suitable for anyone who needs a measuring instrument outdoors for the installation and maintenance of antenna systems.
Agilent Technologies M9392A PXI vector signal analyser
14 October, 2010 byAgilent Technologies has expanded its test and measurement portfolio into the modular domain with the introduction of new PXI and AXIe products.
Anritsu MS202x/3xC VNA Master handheld vector network analyser series
11 October, 2010The MS202x/3xC VNA Master series of handheld vector network analysers has a frequency range of 5 kHz to 20 GHz, fast sweep times, waveguide support and time domain capabilities.
Agilent N9342C handheld spectrum analyser
13 August, 2010The N9342C handheld spectrum analyser (HSA) is suitable for performing installation, maintenance and surveillance of RF systems in the field.
Agilent Technologies N9000A CXA signal analysers
19 January, 2010 byA pair of low-cost signal analysers that have a frequency coverage of up to 9.5 GHz has been released by Agilent. With a variety of built-in and optional measurement capabilities for today’s and future needs, the instruments are targeted at R&R and RF education.
Agilent Technologies N9030A PXA signal analyser
19 January, 2010 byAgilent has released the N9030A PXA signal analyser, the highest performance member of the X-series, with a frequency coverage to 26.5 GHz.
Probing for accurate baseband I/Q measurements
02 December, 2009In modern digital communications systems the information content is typically created digitally and then used to modulate an RF signal. It is useful to evaluate the modulation, both before and after upconversion to diagnose any impairments in the conversion process.
Base station analyser
16 September, 2009 byAnritsu has introduced the BTS Master MT8221B, a handheld base station analyser that has been specifically developed to support 4G standards as well as installed 2G/3G networks.
Wireless analysers
16 September, 2009 byAnritsu has introduced the ‘E’ platform for its family of handheld analysers that features integrated functionality in a robust, lightweight and field-proven design.
Field tester
16 September, 2009 byTechRentals has introduced the JDSU smart class E1 datacoms into its rental fleet.
Handheld RF analyser
01 January, 2009Agilent has introduced the FieldFox handheld RF analyser, claimed to be the world’s most integrated handheld instrument for wireless network installation and maintenance.