Controlling the make-up of nanowires
Nanowires are a hot research topic, with a variety of potential applications including light-emitting diodes and sensors. [ + ]
When components need to keep their cool
This article looks at some of the various methods of heating and cooling a DUT. [ + ]
Antenna simplifies LTE indoor coverage
Distributed antenna systems (DASs) are now being deployed to provide indoor coverage. More than 80% of all mobile data calls are initiated inside a building, whether an office, airport, railway station, stadium or home and therefore it is absolutely critical for service providers to provide both good coverage and quality of service inside buildings. [ + ]
When a memory recorder replaces an oscilloscope
Memory recorders are specfically designed for industrial situations and oscilloscopes are not. [ + ]
Tandem encoders give two axes and one power input
‘Tandem Encoder’ is a new term but one which is increasingly being used by mechanical and electrical designers. Mark Howard of Zettlex* explains what a tandem encoder is, how it works, its technical features and where it is best used. [ + ]
Assembly errors quickly identified
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF have come up with a testing technology to help reduce assembly errors. [ + ]
Radio waves trigger insulin production
Radio waves have been used to remotely switch on engineered insulin-producing genes in mice. [ + ]
US electronics industry faces major challenges
Have we reached the end of the story for North American electronics manufacturing? Bishop & Associates comments on the changing industry. [ + ]
Shelve the idea of a simple rack
Rittal looks in depth at the requirements of a modern rack and the duties it is expected to perform in a data centre. [ + ]
Touch sensor capacity forecast to reach 16.4 million m2 in 2014
The total yielded area of resistive, projected capacitive, sensor-on-cover and on-cell touch sensors grew to 9.6 million m2 in 2011 and will continue to grow over the next two years, according to a report. [ + ]
Heart monitor in a wristwatch
A heart rate monitor has been released using EPIC sensor technology and is the same size as a wristwatch. [ + ]
Single atom transistor ahead of its time
An individual phosphorus atom is the active component that has been placed in a silicon crystal to create a single atom transistor. [ + ]
Remote asset control is changing our lives
M2M communications can be used to gain immediate feedback on how a particular remote asset is being used, which features are most popular and what problems such as errors or breakdowns typically arise. [ + ]
Has lead-free made the industry any greener?
Despite the advent of RoHS in July 2006, electronics is essentially a ‘green’ industry. It provides more functions and services but uses less energy and fewer materials. [ + ]
Copper versus fibre - the battle continues
Copper conductors have dominated the world of electronic devices since the discovery of electricity - and for good reason. However, as data transfer rates increased and cables became transmission lines, engineers began to encounter increased signal attenuation as well as distortion. [ + ]