Ancient, 3D paper art helps shape modern wireless tech
Researchers have used ancient 3D paper art, known as kirigami, to create tuneable radio antennas from MXene nanomaterials. [ + ]
Nature and plastics inspire breakthrough in soft sustainable materials
Biodegradable structures could revolutionize energy, information technologies and advanced medicine. [ + ]
New cathode material for cheaper, efficient EV batteries
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have seen potential reductions in the use of critical raw materials by using ferric chloride as a new cathode material for solid-state batteries. [ + ]
Overcoming magnetic disorder in quantum insulators
A Monash-led team has demonstrated that the breakdown in topological protection in quantum insulators is caused by magnetic disorder. [ + ]
Electrically modulated light antennas for faster computer chips
Researchers have achieved electrically controlled modulation of light antennas, paving the way for ultra-fast active plasmonics and faster computer chips. [ + ]
Solving the energy crisis: 5 battery technologies you should know about
The Battery Research and Innovation Hub at Deakin University's Institute for Frontier Materials is researching alternative battery technologies, to reduce waste and re-use battery systems. [ + ]
Electric reactor could cut industrial emissions
Researchers at Stanford Engineering have developed a new thermochemical reactor that can generate the immense heat needed for industrial processes using electricity instead of fossil fuels. [ + ]
MIT engineers design tiny batteries for powering cell-sized robots
These zinc-air batteries, smaller than a grain of sand, could help miniscule robots sense and respond to their environment. [ + ]
Stretchy gel sensor detects solid-state skin biomarkers
Researchers have developed a wearable, stretchable, hydrogel-based sensor that detects biomarkers such as cholesterol and lactate — directly on the skin. [ + ]
Computer chips have the potential to become even smaller
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute have been improving the resolution of a process known as photolithography, in order to help advance the miniaturisation of computer chips. [ + ]
Breakthrough towards highest-performing superconducting wire
A new study has detailed how large-scale, cost-effective use of high-temperature superconducting wire is another step closer to reality. [ + ]
Soft gold enables connections between nerves and electronics
Researchers at Linköping University in Sweden have created new types of gold nanowires and soft electrodes that can be connected to the nervous system. [ + ]
Next-gen super battery for electric cars is made of rock
In 10 years, solid-state batteries made from rock silicates will be an environmentally friendly, more efficient and safer alternative to the lithium-ion batteries we use today. Researchers at DTU have patented a new superionic material based on potassium silicate — a mineral that can be extracted from ordinary rocks. [ + ]
'Organ on a chip' developed for better drug testing
$2 million in funding has made it possible to 3D-print synthetic models that mimic part of the human brain and could replace the use of animals in developing treatments. [ + ]
Creating artificial 'muscles' for safer, softer robots
Researchers have developed simplified, low-cost soft devices that enable worm-like crawling, bicep-like lifting and more, to make robots safer. [ + ]