Metrology wells
03 October, 2005 | Fluke Australia Pty Ltd
Hart Scientific has announced metrology wells designed for calibrating a wide variety of thermometers and temperature sensors. Models 9170, 9171, 9172 and 9173 provide calibration performance in a compact, easy to transport instrument suitable for both laboratory and field.
Voltage reference
01 September, 2005 | Arrow Electronics Australia Pty Ltd
Dallas Semiconductor has introduced the DS4303, claimed to be the world's first sample-and-infinite-hold voltage reference.
Two-version cabinet
01 September, 2005 | Soanar Limited
The main components of the electronic cabinet platform Varistar are a frame, which is available in two different versions, options for doors, side panels and covers plus a wide range of accessories.
Intelligent AC motor soft starter
01 September, 2005 | Inventis Technology Pty Ltd
Designed for single phase compressors of up to 6.5kWatts (6.5 shaft horsepower), i-Start's patented switching technology not only reduces start-up currents to less than 45Amps, it reduces electrical load and hence wear on the starter as well, offering the potential of longer life for both compressors and starters alike.
Broadband TWT amplifiers
01 September, 2005 | RFI Industries
RFI Industries has released the TMD range of broadband TWT amplifiers.
Smart transmitters
01 September, 2005 | AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty Ltd
Smart stainless steel pressure, level and vacuum transmitters feature PMC flush mounting and measures pressure of heavy slurries, liquids and gases.
Simplify test system development and control
01 September, 2005 | Keysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd
Agilent says its I/O Libraries Suite, GPIB cards and converters that work with industry-standard software development environments, such as Agilent VEE Pro and Microsoft development languages, now works with National Instruments LabVIEW and LabWindows.
Underwater piezo speaker
01 September, 2005 | Adilam Technologies
Based on the in-house expertise in vibration characteristic of piezoceramic material and microacoustics, Sonitron has developed what it claims is the first flat piezoceramic speaker for underwater applications.
Soft motion interface
31 August, 2005 | National Instruments Aust Pty Ltd
Engineers now can use the National Instruments LabVIEW graphical development environment to create distributed motion applications with the SoftMotion Controller for Copley CANopen and ORMEC IEEE 1394 intelligent drives.
Extreme climate VFDs
31 August, 2005 | Dominion Electronics
Dominion Electronics has introduced Matrix Orbital's latest range of serial and USB displays - using vacuum fluorescent displays to accommodate a broad spectrum of applications.
Computer storage devices
31 August, 2005 | Penn Elcom
New from Penn Elcom are a comprehensive range of computer CPU Holders, Laptop Security Drawers and Cable Collector Trays.
ARM operating system
03 August, 2005 | Embedded Logic Solutions Pty Ltd
Keil Software has announced the advanced real-time operating system for ARM (ARTX-ARM), a flexible real-time operating system with TCP/IP networking and flash file system support for ARM-based controllers.
Strip materials
03 August, 2005 | Sandvik Australia Pty Ltd
Sandvik has introduced its latest product form and launched a range of surface engineered stainless steel strip materials.
Protection diodes
03 August, 2005 | Siemens Ltd
Epcos has added the CDS4C12GTA type to its CeraDiode range for ESD protection.
Motor range
03 August, 2005 | M Rutty & Co Pty Ltd
M Rutty & Co is proud to announce that they are the new Australian representative for Mavilor Motors.