Carlo Gavazzi WM30/WM40 energy meter range
26 October, 2011 byCarlo Gavazzi energy meters - the WM30 and WM40 and their range of optional add-on modules, include BACnet IP, MODBUS TCP/IP, MODBUS-RTU and iFIX SCADA. The BACnet and MODBUS options are also available with or without onboard memory.
Aeroflex 3920 radio test set
12 October, 2011The Aeroflex 3920 radio test set automatic test and alignment software option now supports Motorola’s APX7000 and APX7500 mobile radios.
LeCroy SPARQ multipurpose instrument
06 September, 2011 byThe LeCroy SPARQ (S-parameters Quick) signal integrity network analyser is a TDR/TDT-based analyser that measures 40 GHz, 4-port S-parameters with a single button press.
Dytran Instruments 3023A6H miniature triaxial accelerometer
19 August, 2011 byDytran Instruments has released its latest model to the family of 3023A series miniature triaxial accelerometers.
Amber Technology XL2 handheld audio analyser
08 August, 2011The XL2 handheld audio analyser has a combination of sound level meter, acoustic analyser and powerful audio analyser.
Consultant Technology PMM9010 EMI/EMC CISPR16-1-1 compliant test receiver
25 July, 2011 byThe PMM9010 EMI/EMC CISPR16-1-1 compliant test receiver now has the upgrade option 9180 module with in-built preamplifier that extends the operation range to 18 GHz.
Hioki MR8880-20 HiCorder memory recorder
24 July, 2011 byThe Hioki MR8880-20 HiCorder memory recorder is suitable for voltage and current measurement as well as logic and digital signal monitoring for research, engineering and other applications including electrical traction using a high-capacity battery pack.
Metromatics portable DEWE-3020 measurement instrument
23 July, 2011 byThe portable DEWE-3020 is said to be the smallest, rugged ‘all-in-one’ measurement system for galvanically isolated amplifiers. It includes a built-in touch screen, high isolation signal inputs, high sampling rates - up to 1 MSps, up to 24-bit resolution and a data throughput of 70 MBps.
Back to the basics of electrical measurements
12 July, 2011Accurate measurements are central to virtually every scientific and engineering discipline, but all too often measurement science gets little attention in the undergraduate curriculum. Even those who received a thorough grounding in measurement fundamentals as undergraduates can be forgiven if they’ve forgotten some of the details.
Agilent B2900A series source/measure units
08 July, 2011 byAgilent has announced the B2900A series, its first range of compact benchtop source/measure units for testing semiconductors, components and materials.
Fluke 481 radiation survey meter
29 June, 2011 byThe 481 radiation survey meter for industrial radiation safety is a simple, easily deployable handheld radiation detector that lets facility managers check for contamination everywhere it can go, from receiving docks, warehouses, vehicles and packages to people.
Fluke Networks OptiView XG network analysis tablet
17 June, 2011 byFluke Networks has introduced the OptiView XG, a network analysis tablet that provides solutions for network and application problems for both wireless and wired access, anywhere in the network.
Valen RE856 battery tester
17 June, 2011Rising impedance is a recognised indicator of pending battery failure and using an RE856 as a proactive trending tool allows technicians to monitor the condition of battery cells while they remain connected in a live circuit.
Peak-System PCAN-Diag 2 for CAN-diagnostics
14 June, 2011 byPeak-System has available its handheld device for CAN diagnostics as the reworked model PCAN-Diag 2. Besides hexadecimal and symbolic view of incoming CAN traffic, lists for transmitting CAN messages can be used.