Bluetooth test sets validated
Anritsu's MT8850A/MT8852A Bluetooth test sets have received "Test System Validation' status from the Bluetooth Qualification Review Board "” claimed to be the only integrated test sets to have achieved validation status for radio layer measurements.
This means that users can test products with absolute confidence in the measurements they make. Validated test systems can also be used for product qualification or for product assessment before submission to a Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility. MT8850A/MT8852A have validated test status for all eight of the supported measurements.
The MT8850A (and MT8852A with audio support) have been specifically designed to rapidly test Bluetooth wireless links. They are suitable for both design proving and production test.
Also available from Anritsu's Bluetooth testing line-up is the ME7865A Bluetooth RF Pre Qualification Test System. This is a system offering analysis of Bluetooth radios.
It addresses all 16 test cases in the Bluetooth RF Test specification at frequencies up to 3 GHz.
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