Industrial Bus and Network Standards
Friday, 12 July, 2013
More and more computers, in an industrial environment, are now connected to a network. Industrial PCs, machines and production lines can be controlled using various bus systems. Which network or bus an automation professional selects depends on the application. With the migration of ethernet TCP/IP to IPv6, ethernet appears to be poised to become the dominant, and perhaps the only, networking technology. It's simple, manageable, has built-in security, and is clearly understood by a very large number of networking professionals both in industrial and commercial environments. The question remains, however, whether there will be a new bus or network structure in the future. Based on the speed of advances in the technology, we can assume there will be, but because of the robustness and ubiquity of PCIe and ethernet, any advance in computer or network bus technology will need to incorporate a significant capability for backward compatibility. Download this white paper to learn about different industrial bus and network standards, from PC-based to controllers.
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