HVAC systems based on SIMCom IoT modules

It feels quite natural that public utility building interiors are warm in wintertime. It results from the fact that shopping centres, schools, office buildings, museums or offices are heated and operated by HVAC systems. This mysterious acronym stands for — (H-heating), (V-Ventilation) and (AC – Air Conditioning). In Polish, also the “COWiG” abbreviation has been derived from Polish words “ciepłownictwo, ogrzewanie, wentylacja i gazownictwo”, meaning “space heating, heating, ventilation and gas supply”. Whichever term we use, the meaning is the same, as it covers the technologies used to create and maintain comfortable conditions for work and rest in buildings. In other words, these systems are responsible for monitoring and adjusting environmental conditions in such a manner that each room always has the right temperature and humidity, and the indoor air is always fresh. Moreover, it must be noted that maintaining the right conditions also exerts an optimum impact on the physical condition of a building itself. System capabilities include lowering the humidity and temperature in the building when its occupants are away for longer periods of time. Buildings designed in line with the HVAC-related requirements can be cooled or heated both in winter- and summertime, and the supply and filtration of clean air pumped into interiors is also ensured. Moreover, it is worth remembering that correct HVAC management results in optimising the electricity consumption costs.
HVAC system actuators include air handling units, heaters, fans, heat pumps or infrared heaters. They are managed by suitable controllers using data collected from environmental condition sensors located on site. While designing an HVAC system for a small building, a wired connection of all the components can be considered, but as the system expands, such a solution becomes quite problematic. In such cases, it is worth turning to such options as wireless communication or IoT solutions. One of the communication solutions that can be applied to connect HVAC system components is the LTE radio transmission that is well-known by users of all devices connecting to the Internet. Ready-made LTE modules manufactured by SIMCom facilitate adaptation of HVAC equipment to state-of-the-art solutions. They not only ensure reliable connectivity and data transmission support, but also facilitate a smart transformation of a legacy HVAC system.
SIM7600X modules
SIM7600X is a family of modules that support wireless LTE data transmission. These systems are based on Qualcomm chips and designed for global market applications, so they support numerous wireless communication technologies, at 10 Mbps (downlink) and 5 Mbps (uplink).
The overview of their key features:
- compact design facilitating implementation in existing solutions;
- wide selection of external interfaces (ADC, GPIO, I2C, PCM, SDIO, SIM, UART, USB 2.0);
- software adjusted to IoT solutions;
- availability of regional variants (EU/Japan/North America/Latin America/Australia and Oceania).
LTE modules — perfect solutions for IoT applications
7672E modules
The A7672E series is another type of module provided by SIMCom. These are slightly more expanded LTE devices, whose maximum downlink transmission rate is up to 10 Mbps (up to 5 Mbps downlink). These modules are also quite compact, so adapting them to an individual project should not be a problem for engineers. Other characteristic features include:
- support for LTE Cat.1 with 2G fallback and LTE Cat.1/Cat.1 Bis Protocol;
- embedded GNSS/BT5.0 function (available only in selected models);
- compatibility with SIM7000/SIM7070/SIM800F;
- Dual SIM support.
Real-time monitoring of environmental parameters
The SIMCom LTE modules can operate within the existing LTE networks and ensure reliable wireless communication performance. Sensors with SIMCom LTE modules support real-time monitoring of the HVAC equipment operation. This data can be uploaded to a cloud-based computing platform and displayed in the form of graphs and analytics-based indicators, providing building managers with a more intuitive way to understand the current system status. Data can also be accessed by residents or office building staff using a mobile phone, etc.
Automatic control for HVAC systems
Availability of a large number of external interfaces makes SIMCom modules compatible with various types of sensors supported by HVAC systems to automatically adjust temperature, humidity, air quality and other settings.
For example, a temperature sensor equipped with such a module can transmit the current room temperature values to a database in which records are analysed in real time. In combination with the analysis of historical operating data from the air handling unit, external weather data, building characteristics and other references, it can ensure precise and automatic room temperature adjustments.
An air quality sensor can also upload data to a database via an LTE network. Moreover, the system can automatically adjust the volume of fresh air supplied by comparing it with a setpoint value, so that the indoor air quality is always maintained at the right level. The fact that a SIMCom LTE provides data instantaneously enables HVAC system actuators to respond to current users’ needs almost instantly.
More and more common PV farms can also be equipped with SIMCom modules facilitating wireless communication. Systems operating within the entire installation can be managed and monitored easily using such a module. Another advantage of wireless LTE modules is their reach. PV farms are often located at large distances from other structures, which makes managing them troublesome, but LTE radio networks offer perfect solutions to such problems.
Early prevention of malfunctions — ensured by SIMCom solutions
Apart from providing environmental data, SIMCom modules can also supply information on the HVAC system actuator operating status. By analysing such data, the system can predict malfunctions, and thus avoid costly downtime and ensure long and stable operation of the HVAC system.
Energy-efficiency in HVAC systems
Continuous operation of an extensive installation results in the significant energy consumption. It is therefore worth looking for ways to increase energy-efficiency, for example by implementing a smart monitoring system. By collecting environmental, historical and user preference data, the management system can proactively adjust the equipment operation to maximally reduce electricity consumption.
For more information, click here.
Text prepared by Transfer Multisort Elektronik.
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