EPCOS metal oxide disk varistors
17 August, 2017TDK Corporation's leaded EPCOS metal oxide disk varistors have been approved for an increased operating temperature of 105°C, up from 85°C.
Surge protection 101
26 March, 2014 by Mike Smyth, specialist technical writerSurges or sudden bursts of voltage and current can be disastrous to electronic and electrical equipment and to the cables feeding them. Surge protectors limit the voltage getting through to equipment and often the feed lines, either by blocking it or diverting to earth voltages above a predetermined level.
Small varistors package
27 April, 2009 byEpcos claims to be the first manufacturer of ESD protection components to offer low-capacitance CeraDiodes and multilayer varistors (MLV) in a 0201 package.