Surface Mount LVDS
11 December, 2001 | Supplied by: C&K Components Plus
M-tron has announced surface mount LVDS output oscillators and voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXOs). These devices offer low noise performance in hot swap applications, fibre channel, gigabit ethernet, and other IEEE 1394-based high-speed data systems.
Low Profile PCI Boards
11 December, 2001 | Supplied by:
Interworld Electronics has released a series of low profile PCI, RS-232 serial boards in one, two and four port versions.
Charger MOSFETs
11 December, 2001 | Supplied by: Arrow Electronics Australia Pty Ltd
Four PowerPAK 1212-8 MOSFET devices designed for battery charger switching and protection applications have been announced by Siliconix.
Switching Amplifiers
11 December, 2001 | Supplied by: Micromax Pty Ltd
Turck has announced MK13-222Ex0-R two channel switching amplifiers - compact devices that incorporate 1 NAMUR DIN 19234 sensor, or one dry contact, per input channel and provide one single pole single throw relay per output channel.
Chip prices rise
11 December, 2001
With a general chip drought, and higher than expected demand, chip prices are rising in the PC processor sector, leading to hopes of a recovery.
Linux Board
11 December, 2001 | Supplied by: Allied Data Systems Pty Ltd
CompuLab has introduced a Linux installation image for the 586CORE single board computer. The Kernel integrates the 586CORE module with additional drivers to support the onboard functions to create an embedded computer with capabilities usually offered only by much larger boards.
Diagonal Fans
11 December, 2001 | Supplied by: Adilam Technologies
At the top end of the PAPST product range, the DV6200 series offers fans with both high flow rates, >500 m/h, and high static pressure.
Intel transistor raises speed limit
29 November, 2001
Intel has unveiled a design for transistors which it says will operate at speeds hundreds of times faster than today's production devices.
Crystal growth yields more precise semiconductors
28 November, 2001
Traditionally, scientists grow quantities of single-crystalline semiconducting materials by immersing the tip of a pencil-shaped starter crystal in a melt of the same composition.
Chip sector begins to grow
22 November, 2001
Orders for semiconductor-manufacturing equipment rose in October 2001, according to data released by Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International.
Embedded Controllers
13 November, 2001 | Supplied by: National Instruments Aust Pty Ltd
National Instruments has announced what it claims is the fastest, highest-performance 3U embedded controllers available for PXI/CompactPCI - the NI 8171 series.
Line Transformer
13 November, 2001 | Supplied by: IRH Components
IRH Components has released the ESMIT 100 double insulated encapsulated telecom line isolating transformer for surface mount.
Bipolar Power Transistor
13 November, 2001 | Supplied by: Braemac Pty Ltd
STMicroelectronics has introduced the first in a family of high-gain bipolar power transistors that feature low saturation voltage, making it suitable for low-voltage switching applications.
13 November, 2001 | Supplied by: Soanar Limited
Ericsson Microelectronics has announced what it claims is the world's first single-chip low-power analogue front-end for ADSL/SHDSL transceiver solutions.
Move toward plastic chips
12 October, 2001
Teams of researchers are working to find a way to use organic polymers as material for microelectronic production.