Sierra Wireless AirPrime MC7304 LTE/HSPA+ module
The Sierra Wireless MC7304 module is suitable for M2M applications demanding high-speed connectivity. The product operates on all LTE networks with fallback to all 3G frequencies in use in Australia/NZ (850/900/2100 MHz).
The mini PCIe LTE module can be easily integrated into a variety of devices. Target markets include applications with security cameras for video upload, digital signage with high-data download needs and routing over LTE.
Taking advantage of high-speed mobile networks, delivering up to 100 Mbps download speeds and 50 Mbps upload speeds over LTE with fallback to all 3G/HSPA+ networks, the product includes enhanced location capabilities using A-GPS, GPS Xtra and Glonass. It also provides support for Linux, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
The module has been optimised for low power consumption, enabling longer battery life in applications.
Phone: 03 9696 3011
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