Desa Welcomes Defence 2000 White Paper
Wednesday, 06 December, 2000
The Defence Electronics and Systems Association (DESA), an operating division of the Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (AEEMA), has welcomed the tabling of the government's Defence white paper, Defence 2000: Our Future Defence Force.
However, the Association cautioned that Australia's Defence industry now faced many logistical challenges associated with ramping up its capabilities after a hiatus in Defence expenditure and a lengthy period of industry downsizing and rationalisation. The big challenge for Australian industry would be to meet the government's expectations and Defence requirements.
Mr Angus Robinson, Executive Director, AEEMA, commended the government's wish for appropriate, strong Australian industry involvement in pursuing the program of enhancements described in the white paper.
"There is no doubt that Australia's Defence companies can deliver smart solutions and can compete in a fair and competitive market place - as long as they have the opportunity to," said Mr Robinson. "If partnering arrangements between Defence and industry for significant Defence procurements become commonplace as the government suggests, this will be a significant improvement on the existing framework".
Mr Robinson also welcomed the government's statement that it was keen to maintain the skill base in the IT and electronics sectors by involving industry in the range of new command, control, communications, and intelligence capabilities. He added that the government's recognition of the importance of encouraging R&D opportunities and export activities to develop a sustainable industry base was commendable, as was its recognition that much of the R&D base in Australia resides in smaller companies.
For further information contact Mr Angus M Robinson on Tel (02) 6247 4655 or via email
Item provided courtesy of AEEMA
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