Rohde & Schwarz MXO 4 series oscilloscope

Saturday, 01 April, 2023 | Supplied by: Rohde & Schwarz (Australia) Pty Ltd

Rohde & Schwarz MXO 4 series oscilloscope

The Rohde & Schwarz MXO 4 Series is the first of a new generation of oscilloscopes that provides both performance and value. The instruments have an acquisition rate of over 4.5 million waveforms/s to show anomalies instantly and a trigger rearm time of >21 ns.

The oscilloscopes feature 12-bit ADC vertical resolution at all sample rates without trade-offs, 18-bit architecture with HD mode and minimal noise of 104 µV at 1 GHz with 1 mV/div sensitivity. They also feature a ±5 V offset range with 500 µV/div sensitivity and come with a standard memory of 400 Mpoints per channel with the option for 800 Mpoints. The oscilloscopes also feature history and segmented memory to capture up to 1 million acquisitions, while an adjustable digital trigger filters with user-selectable hysteresis, enabling users to isolate events with more precision.

Innovative dual-path protocol analysis helps protocol packets decode and trigger correctly regardless of sample rate settings for the waveform acquisitions. In addition to high segmented memory depth, the oscilloscope enables long time captures of protocol events to help monitor and understand system behaviour. Search functionality helps find events of interest in the captured bus activity based on trigger or protocol content.

Rohde & Schwarz offers a wide variety of probe choices for a range of applications including active single-ended and differential probes, high-voltage and current probes, power rail probes, logic probes and near field probes.

For more information:

Phone: 02 8874 5100
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