Third-annual Smart Grid Electronics Forum
The third-annual Smart Grid Electronics Forum (SGEF ’12) will be held on 16, 17 October 2012 in Detroit, Michigan. It will focus on the practical impact that the emerging smart grid will have on the design issues, decisions, techniques and devices related to the development and design of electronic equipment. Coverage will extend from the smart meter through the building and related microgrids to the end-use equipment. News will be presented about component developments, design techniques, communications protocols, architectures and smart-grid standards.
Monitoring, control, communications and security will be some of the major themes. The successful deployment of the smart grid will be dependent on numerous technology and standards developments for electronic equipment. Some of the areas of focus for this important event will include: communications standards and protocols; smart meters, appliances and loads; distribution architectures and components; networking processing needs; circuit design requirements; application and demonstration projects; instrumentation and monitoring; and supporting plug-in hybrid vehicles.
This two-day international forum will serve the needs of an audience of decision makers and technology developers who are interested in learning about and contributing to practical advancements related to the emerging smart grid.
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