Altium TASKING VX-toolset v5.1 for ARM Cortex-M microcontroller
Altium supports the ARM Cortex-M development community through its TASKING VX-toolset for ARM, consisting of an Eclipse-based IDE, C and C++ compiler, multicore ready linker, simulator, in-circuit debugger and Software Platform, which enables the developer to complete the application with RTOS and a wide range of middleware components. Release v5.1 of the toolset adds support for many microcontroller variants, while support for existing vendors’ devices has been extended. It enables developers to easily change semiconductor manufacturer and switch controller type.
TASKING’s Pin Mapper functionality removes the developer’s challenge of configuring the chip’s hardware registers that are used for assigning the peripheral module signals to the physical pins. The Pin Mapper provides a visual representation of the pin layout within the toolset IDE, through which the developer can configure and review properties of the pins. It also reports errors or warnings for possible connection conflicts.
The toolset has incorporated support for the latest MISRA C:2012 guidelines for C programming, as well as the CERT C secure coding standard. Code analysis support integrated into the compiler enables developers to select and configure the coding guidelines in accordance with the company’s prescribed rules. Developers can benefit from the latest guidelines improvements that can reduce the complexity of compliance, while aiding consistent, safe use of C in embedded systems.
Phone: 0011 86 21 6182 3977
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