Freescale FRDM‑FXS‑9AXIS Freedom Development Platform
The Freescale FRDM‑FXS‑9AXIS Freedom Development Platform allows developers to program and evaluate two of Freescale’s digital sensor chips. The first is the FXAS21000 XTRINSIC 3‑Axis Gyroscope, a small, low-power digital gyroscope that measures yaw, pitch and roll angular rates. The board also supports the FXOS8700CQ 6-Axis digital sensor.
The board can also be used as an Arduino Shield and is Arduino‑R3 compatible. For development, the sensor shield can be mated to the Freescale FRDM‑KL25Z Freedom Development Platform, which is based on a Freescale Kinetis L Series microcontroller with 128 KB of Flash and 16 KB of SRAM.
The platform supports Freescale’s Xtrinsic sensor fusion code library which allows developers to experiment with the sensors using pre-written code. A USB interface on the Kinetis MCU board allows for easy programming. An SD card interface is available on the shield board for memory expansion.
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