Axiomtek has partnered with AI chipmaker Hailo to launch the RSC100, an ARM-based edge AI computer (also named Plato). The RSC100 (Plato) supports the Hailo-8 edge AI processor, which features up to 26 TOPS for running deep learning applications. The processor is built with an innovative architecture that enables edge devices to run sophisticated deep learning applications that could previously only run on the cloud. The computer is suitable for market segments such as smart city, smart retail, Industry 4.0 and smart transportation.
The product comes with flexible and capable storage, including a 16 GB eMMC on board, an M.2 Key M 2280 SATA SSD slot with PCIe x4 NVMe interface, and a Micro SD slot to maximise performance, density and throughput for critical workloads. Benefiting from dual GbE ports, the device enables IP cameras and LiDAR connectivity with high bandwidth for video analytics. The edge computing appliance has two full-size PCIe Mini Card slots, a SIM slot and an M.2 Key B 3052 slot for additional expansion. These slots allow various peripheral modules such as Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, 5G/4G/LTE and additional storage to expand functionality.
The computer offers rich I/O interfaces including one HDMI 2.0 port with support of 4K2K, dual GbE LAN ports, dual RS-232/422/485 ports, dual CANbus ports, dual USB 2.0 ports, 8-CH DIO, one console port, and seven SMA-type antenna connectors for WLAN and 5G/LTE usage. The rugged edge AI box is designed with OVP and OCP as well as reverse protection for power protection. It can withstand vibrations of up to 3 Grms in harsh environments with a temperature range of -20 to +70°C, making it suitable for compute-intensive AI applications at the edge. It supports the Linux operating system.
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