Analog Devices AD738x SAR ADCs
Analog Devices has released the AD7380 and AD7381 successive-approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The pin-compatible, 16-bit AD7380 and 14-bit AD7381 ADCs feature throughput rates of 4 MSa/s and a tiny 3 x 3 mm LFCSP package.
The ADCs have a serial interface with two separate data output pins. Engineers can access data on the devices via the serial interface, which can operate with one or two serial outputs.
The ADCs feature fully differential analog inputs that accept a wide common-mode input voltage, sampling and converting on the falling edge of CS. The conversion process and data acquisition use standard control inputs allowing easy interfacing to microprocessors or digital signal processors (DSPs). Integrated on-chip oversampling blocks improve dynamic range and reduce noise at low bandwidths.
The dual simultaneous-sampling, high-speed ADCs operate from a 3 to 3.6 V power supply, with a buffered internal 2.5 V reference (optional external reference up to 3.3 V) and typical drift of just ±1 ppm/°C. They are suitable for motor control, sonar, power quality and data acquisition applications.
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