ADLINK Technology has introduced a SMARC form factor computer-on-module running on Intel x86 processors. Using a single-, dual- or quad-core Intel Atom processor E3800 series system-on-chip from 1.3 to 2.2 GHz with soldered memory up to 4 GB DDR3L at 1066/1333 MHz including ECC, the ADLINK LEC-BT targets mobile applications with industrial-grade stability and reliability.
SMARC (Smart Mobility ARChitecture) is a versatile ultrasmall footprint computer-on-module; an open and global standard for embedded applications featuring low power and high performance. The ADLINK LEC-BT is an 82 x 80 mm module with onboard eMMC flash and ECC memory support.
The low-power design of SMARC (5 to 10 W) allows for passive heat dissipation and enables small, quiet and clean systems. The product provides a variety of I/O interfaces for developing applications, including both legacy PC interfaces and modern ARM-like interfaces. GbE is also provided for Ethernet connection, and other interfaces are included for a MIPI CSI-compliant camera, USB2.0 and 3.0 (host and client), GPIO and serial ports.
The module is designed for small systems with application scenarios ranging from industrial automation, medical testing and measurement, to transportation and digital signage. The modules can operate in a wide temperature range from -40 to +85°C.
Phone: 0011 886 2 8226 5877
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