Advantech USB-4702 multifunction USB DAQ module

Thursday, 05 August, 2010 | Supplied by: Advantech Australia Pty Ltd

Advantech USB-4702 multifunction USB DAQ module

An 8-channel, 12-bit, 10 kS/s multifunction USB DAQ module has been introduced for testing, lab, student or training use.

The USB-4702 is a specialised low-cost unit that has no casing and is intended for users looking for basic functionality and is recommended for students or trainees.

The most inexpensive data acquisition module ever released from Advantech, it provides analog I/O, digital I/O and counter functions for a wide range of uses. It has all the advantages of USB-based devices, including portability and easy installation, allowing users to have test and measurement capabilities.

The device includes Advantech’s device manager, WaveScan, which is a data logging tool, and includes library examples such as Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET, Borland C++ builder, Delphi and LabView.

Phone: 1300 308 531
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