Raspberry Pi Model B Revision 2.0 single board computer
The latest Raspberry Pi Model B offers double the memory of the previous model. 512 MB means that graphics, multimedia and network performance have all improved. It also features new connector pins, a reset circuit, technical fixes and mounting holes.
There has been a small change to the GPIO pin out of revision 2.0 to add ARM JTAG support and to present a different I2C peripheral from that which is used on the camera interface. Users wishing to produce portable GPIO code should either avoid using these pins or add code to check the board revision and use this result to drive the correct pins appropriately. Two GPIO pins have been interchanged to allow a missing debug signal (ARM_TMS) to appear on P1 pin 13.
A reset circuit has been implemented, although in the standard build the required header is not fitted. Users wishing to use this circuit should fit an appropriate header to P6. Shorting P6 pin 1 to P6 pin 2 will cause the BCM2835 to reset.
The resettable fuses protecting the USB outputs have been removed. This feature was implemented on some later revision 1.0 PCBs by replacing the fuses with links; revision 2.0 permanently implements this modification. It is now possible to power the RPI from a USB hub that backfeeds power but it is important that the chosen hub cannot supply more than 2.5 A under fault conditions.
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