Electronics industry glitters at Awards night

Wednesday, 03 November, 2004

During the EIA Annual Dinner recently, the newly elected EIA President, Anthony Kittel presented the winner of the prestigious EIA Gold Cup for Excellence in Engineering and Commercialisation to Julian Smith, Senior Consultant "“ Mining and General Industry of Soniclean.

Soniclean won the Gold Cup for engineering and commercialisation excellence associated with their Bench Top Ultrasonic Cleaners.

The winner of the Telstra EIA $10,000 Engineering Excellence Award was Dr Peter Foster of Fiberbyte for their synchronous USB Bus, which allows multi device synchronisation.

Clipsal Integrated Systems were awarded a Highly Commended certificate for their entry for the Clipsal C-Bus Wireless System.

The EIA is appreciative of the support that Telstra has provided for this award over the years, and recognises the value of corporate contributions.

Microbric took out the honours in the inaugural Legend -EIA Entrepreneurship Award for their electronic construction set which is based on the Lego or meccano toy concepts but is much more than a toy.

The judges also recognised Stephen Kelly of Northstar Electronics for a partial scholarship to the Enterprise Workshop, for his entry of a watersmart interactive computer based exhibit in this category.

The EIA would also like to express its gratitude for Legend Performance Technology 's support of this new award "“ their vision to acknowledge rising entrepreneurs within the industry is welcomed.

The winner of the EIA Export Excellence Award was Imagination Entertainment, an Adelaide owned company that has more than ten percent of the USA's total board game sales and is worth in excess of US $100 million.

The inaugural Service to the Electronics Industry Award was won by Arrow Electronics Australia.

Arrow was judged best Service Provider for the high standard of customer service they provide in distributing electronic components.

Other finalists in this category were Northstar Electronics and SAXcess.

Student Achievement Award winners were: James Errington of the University of Adelaide, Arash Badiei from Flinders University, Nathan Kuchel of Regency Institute of TAFE, Vernon Collins from the University of South Australia and Douglas Thompson and Graham Olive from Torrens Valley TAFE.

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