Hammond Electronics has introduced ice blue and infrared translucent red versions of its 1591 series of small housing to the Australasian market.
Moulded in polycarbonate, the initial three sizes are 100 x 50 x 21 mm, 112 x 62 x 27 mm and 120 x 65 x 36 mm.
Designed for applications where up-to-the-minute styling is important, or where it will be beneficial for the internal components to be visible, the enclosures are sealed to IP54, with a lap joint keeping out dust and splashing water.
The range has PCB mounting slots moulded into all four sides of the base section, enabling 1.6 mm thick PCBs to be mounted vertically.
An adapter kit can be fitted to allow the PCBs to be mounted horizontally if required.
Phone: 08 8240 2244
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