Elma Electronic has released a range of front panels that are also heat sinks. The panels dissipate heat while covering open sections of an enclosure.
They are aluminium based, are easy to cut and machine, and have high thermal capacity, low density and light weight. However, other materials are also available.
The heat sink surfaces are black anodised but clear-anodised versions are also available.
The panels are available in various sizes and configurations, but are specifically designed for 19-in equipment. The cooling fin extrusion has a width of 42 HP and is in 1U-high increments. Each fin is built on a 1.5 HP pitch to guarantee enough space in between for screw heads. EMC versions with a mounting bracket for gaskets are also available.
The heat sinks can be used on all types of devices to provide extra heat dissipation, along with a more stylish appearance.
Phone: 08 8299 9333
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