Keysight Technologies Smart Bench Essentials (SBE) lab bench products

Monday, 21 June, 2021 | Supplied by: Keysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd

Keysight Technologies has launched a portfolio of Smart Bench Essentials (SBE) lab bench products that deliver the power of four instruments — including a triple-output power supply, an arbitrary function generator, a digital multimeter and an oscilloscope — through one combined graphical interface offering integrated data management and analysis capabilities.

The SBE series is a combination of hardware and software designed to accelerate an educator’s teaching experience and a student’s learning experience, as well as improving an electronic design and manufacturing engineer’s ability to analyse and troubleshoot products. It offers a compact and stackable design suitable for small manufacturing, electronics, electrical testing businesses, R&D and modern university teaching labs.

The series is elegantly integrated, enabling users to focus on insights and core innovation, not managing instruments. Users can configure, control and monitor multiple instruments from a single screen; there is also the ability to test, analyse and share lab instruments and data remotely from anywhere, providing learning during the pandemic and global access to remote instrumentation.

Common tasks can be automated: from test set-up and data collection to report generation. The series has the ability to centrally manage an entire lab of instruments and configuration to maximise productivity.

Keysight’s PathWave BenchVue application software complements the SBE series, enabling the user to configure instruments quickly while operating on the same PC screen to test the DUT. It stores data on a PC and exports it in standard readable formats for post-analysis work and report generation.

Phone: 03 9566 1260
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